Winter is a hard time in Moldova, because of the necessity to heat the buildings and therefore high fuel bills. The situation is even more difficult in rural areas where each year people have to spend much money on firewood and to keep the house warm and cosy requires not…
In October and November 2016 two CABLE trainings were organized, being actually two parts of a bigger training. The training was organized at the Diocese of Edinet and Briceni and was attended by adult representatives of all 10 parishes that are partners in the project – all together 33 participants…
Annual Forum is a traditional way to end another year of a project implementation and this time it took place on November 25 in Edinet. The event gathered 78 people from 5 locations – Alexandreni, Coteala, Edinet, Rotunda and Varatic. The aim of the Annual Forum was to summarize and…
Within October-November 2016 there were organized round table discussions for the local stakeholders in all 10 parishes from the program "Know-How-You-Do!". The round tables were organized by the priests and were attended by up to 15 participants each – in total 138 participants. Usual participants to the discussions were the…
On November 3rd, 2016 MCA organized a round table discussion with its local partners - coordinators and staff of the Youth Centers. It was the third meeting planned for the current year. Program coordinator Dorin Birsanu moderated and facilitated the meeting which was held in the MCA office. Total number…
On 7th of September 2016 a one-day training was organized in case management for the parishes representatives. At the training were present priests from all 10 partner parishes and a social worker, in total 11 participants. The training was held in Edinet, at the Diocese of Edinet and Briceni. As…
On October 5-7th, 2016 MCA program coordinator Alena Birsanu conducted monitoring visits to 4 locations of the program “Strengthening advocacy capacities of the local CSOs to support vulnerable elderly in rural areas of Moldova” – namely, Alexandreni, Rotunda, Varatic villages and town Edinet. Village Coteala was excluded from the list…
Moldovan Christian Aid staff carried on with providing training for vulnerable youth from rural areas in Southern region of Moldova and equipping them with necessary knowledge, skills and tools on Domestic Violence prevention. Within October 13-22, 2016 MCA staff in cooperation with the Youth Centers teams from the selected 5…
On October 25, 2016 Moldovan Christian Aid in cooperation with Association Against Violence "Casa Marioarei" organized the training sessions for the personnel and volunteers of the youth centres. The meeting gathered 19 people from Abaclia, Ciucur-Mingir, Ulmu, Hansca and Mereni parishes. The training scope was to develop participants' fundraising skills…
All 10 Youth Clubs developed small projects focusing on youth work in their communities, based on a template provided by MCA. The planning process was a participatory one, including the main stakeholders from the community: youngsters, parish, mayoralty, school, parents, social workers etc. The main topics covered in the projects…