Monday, 30 May 2016 00:00

10 management trainings for local CSOs

In the period between 16 and 27 May 2016, a series of 10 trainings was conducted on the topic of „Youth organization management” for the adult coordinators and mentors of the Youth Clubs. The total number of participants is 152, most of them being adults but there were present youth representatives as well. Generally speaking, in every community it was ensured the participation of the following persons: priest, mayoralty representatives, school representatives, parents’ representatives and youth representatives.

The training lasted one day in every community and combined in it theoretical explanations with the immediate its application in practice. The goal was that after the training every parish will have a draft of a social project for the youth in their community.

The training structure followed the structure of a standard social project, analyzing every section of the proposed template, beginning with the problem identification and finalizing with the budget calculation.

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