On Saturday, October 15th in village Terebna, Edinet district was held the event within community advocacy campaign Family Festival with the message Mother, Father and children are happy together. The Festival was organized on the territory of the secondary school. People of all ages together with their families participated in the activities of the Festival. Activities were organized in such way to be interesting everyone, the concert performed by the children being one of the most popular. There was held a sport contest for the families that helped the participants to feel more united with their family. The oldest families were awarded with prizes and were also asked to tell the secret of family happiness, harmony and longevity. Also, a lottery was organized at which families and children won a lot of nice and useful prizes. The people that participated in the event had a good chance to understand the importance of their families and of the peace and harmony within those.
In addition, other activities were carried out during the festival that promote family preservation, family unity and family values. The Festival was organized as part of the community advocacy campaign within the project “Improving family protection and preservation at the local level by developing community advocacy capacities”. Nine villages from the Northern region of Moldova are involved in the project activities. The project is implemented by Moldovan Christian Aid in partnership with Nursing Association from the Republic of Moldova and Hilfswerk Austria with the financial support of the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation within the program Social assistants in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighborhoods Countries.